Monday, February 28, 2011


It is hard to convince babies to cooperate for a photo shoot....

 My favorite--

Isn't amazing what a difference even 5 weeks does?   Sweet, sweet boys.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Before I went to the hospital this morning, I called the night nurse to find out how Ben was doing.   He said, "He has been an eating machine!"   He was eating at least 70cc a feeding and eating EVERY TWO HOURS!   I guess this little guy is feeling better!    He also gained 105 grams!!   WAY TO GO, BEN!

When I arrived, the doctor was just walking out.  He had checked on patients and was coming back later to do "rounds."   It seems like he did everyone else before he came to Ben!   But, his labs looked good, not perfect.   The nurse said, "I think this little guy needs to go home tomorrow!"   And the doctor agreed!!   He said that eating was not an issue; Ben is going gangbusters!  

I could not be happier!  I didn't want to say goodbye to Ben today, but reminded myself that this was the last time!  :)   Tomorrow morning cannot come fast enough...well, I guess I could use a little sleep.  :)  Happy Day!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We have made it to Tuesday!   I was feeling discouraged after talking to the nurse on the phone this morning.  She said that Ben needed to start gaining weight and then didn't tell me what he weighed.   She reiterated that he may be staying for 14 days.   Ugh.  What a way to start the day.

I felt better after talking to the Head Nurse and Occupational Therapist.   Ben has been the same weight for 2 days now.  The nurse said weight gain would not be what keeps him at the hospital.  She also said that they expect newborns to lose weight, but since we were in the NICU, they focus more on weight gain.  I really believe that he will be fine.  I told Ben to "think lead" while he was weighed tonight.  Hopefully, it will show an increase.

He ate really well today.  His IV has stayed good for some 2 days now.  I am so grateful.  

I left the hospital somber tonight.  I don't want to be too set on Thursday for discharge day, if it might not be until Sunday.   I don't want my hopes dashed tomorrow if his blood tests don't impress the doctor.   I do want to bring home a perfectly healthy baby, so if it means waiting a few more days, I suppose I can survive.   But then there is always a kind nurse to say, "I really think it will be Thursday.  So, I will have your discharge papers ready.  You better get some good rest on Wednesday night."    So, how can one not hope for Thursday?