Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

8:51 am
Ben ate some good bottles in the night. 

He is looking jaundiced.  We will see what his bilirubin measures today.

He has gained 1 oz.  He is back to the weight he was on admission to the NICU (5 lbs 15 oz, I believe).   WAHOO!

Ben ate well.  He is alert and all the nurses favorite guy!  :)  Tonight when they weighed him he was 6 lbs 0.4 oz.!!!   He is doing great!   The only reason he needs to stay at this point is to get his meds.   We look forward to later next week....when we can bring him home!


  1. Kami he is so beautiful! He looks perfect. I am so grateful that he is eating more and doing better. We love you and your family and you will be in our prayers.

  2. Hey Kami, I read your posts and it sounds like little Ben is making great progress. He's a fighter! The U has a great NICU and he is in excellent hands. I would like to try to come see him next week if you don't mind. I am just over at Primary's in the NICU and it's an easy walk across the bridge. If he is going to be on antibiotics for ten days, you really should consider a central line. It's safer, easier on the veins, and he won't have to get poked so much. Just saying. Hang in there. Praying for you all.

  3. Kami -- congrats! I'm praying for you guys and hope all turns out well. I think Becky is on to something with the central line. When Ash had to have all kinds of IVs as a baby, I hated watching them poke and prod and try to get one to work. Definitely made me cry every time. Let me know if I can take your girls. Ash would sure love to have Lydia over.

  4. What a beautiful child! So sorry you've both had such a struggle. I didn't know. Will keep you in my prayers! Love you, Kami

  5. I just read through all of the blog posts. You are strong and Ben is so lucky to have you as his mom. I hope he continues to get better and you can all be home together.

  6. Kami - what a beautiful baby and what a fighter! You are all in my prayers. You never know what challenges you will have to face - but you can do this. Keep one hand on the crib and one hand in the hand of your Heavenly Father and everything will be okay.

  7. Oh my dear Kami! I have been in the same place as you twice and know just how scary and hard it all is. I know how you are feeling with the emotional roller coaster that you are on too! Hang in there - it sounds like things are looking up. He will be home soon enough and those NICU days will be a distant memory. Please let me know if you need anything - I am not too far away. We will say a prayer for you and baby Ben today.
