Monday, February 28, 2011


It is hard to convince babies to cooperate for a photo shoot....

 My favorite--

Isn't amazing what a difference even 5 weeks does?   Sweet, sweet boys.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Before I went to the hospital this morning, I called the night nurse to find out how Ben was doing.   He said, "He has been an eating machine!"   He was eating at least 70cc a feeding and eating EVERY TWO HOURS!   I guess this little guy is feeling better!    He also gained 105 grams!!   WAY TO GO, BEN!

When I arrived, the doctor was just walking out.  He had checked on patients and was coming back later to do "rounds."   It seems like he did everyone else before he came to Ben!   But, his labs looked good, not perfect.   The nurse said, "I think this little guy needs to go home tomorrow!"   And the doctor agreed!!   He said that eating was not an issue; Ben is going gangbusters!  

I could not be happier!  I didn't want to say goodbye to Ben today, but reminded myself that this was the last time!  :)   Tomorrow morning cannot come fast enough...well, I guess I could use a little sleep.  :)  Happy Day!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We have made it to Tuesday!   I was feeling discouraged after talking to the nurse on the phone this morning.  She said that Ben needed to start gaining weight and then didn't tell me what he weighed.   She reiterated that he may be staying for 14 days.   Ugh.  What a way to start the day.

I felt better after talking to the Head Nurse and Occupational Therapist.   Ben has been the same weight for 2 days now.  The nurse said weight gain would not be what keeps him at the hospital.  She also said that they expect newborns to lose weight, but since we were in the NICU, they focus more on weight gain.  I really believe that he will be fine.  I told Ben to "think lead" while he was weighed tonight.  Hopefully, it will show an increase.

He ate really well today.  His IV has stayed good for some 2 days now.  I am so grateful.  

I left the hospital somber tonight.  I don't want to be too set on Thursday for discharge day, if it might not be until Sunday.   I don't want my hopes dashed tomorrow if his blood tests don't impress the doctor.   I do want to bring home a perfectly healthy baby, so if it means waiting a few more days, I suppose I can survive.   But then there is always a kind nurse to say, "I really think it will be Thursday.  So, I will have your discharge papers ready.  You better get some good rest on Wednesday night."    So, how can one not hope for Thursday?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Benjamin's blood tests are still improving.  He is eating well.  I believe he gained 4 grams yesterday!  It is still an increase...we will take whatever we can get!   :)   He acts like a newborn baby and is a joy.    We hope to bring him home on Thursday -- blood tests on Wednesday will determine that.  We have to make absolutely sure that all the infection is gone from his little body.   Then, our goal at home will be to obey orders to limit visitors and keep everyone healthy!  

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Benjamin is such a sweet baby.  He is doing really well.  He continues to eat well and loves me to hold him.  I don't mind.  :)    Today was pretty uneventful---the way we prefer it.  He is doing great!    Day 7 of 10, we are making it.    I hope to be there in the morning to talk to the Doctor for the update on the blood tests and to hear when the big going home day will probably be!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

8:51 am
Ben ate some good bottles in the night. 

He is looking jaundiced.  We will see what his bilirubin measures today.

He has gained 1 oz.  He is back to the weight he was on admission to the NICU (5 lbs 15 oz, I believe).   WAHOO!

Ben ate well.  He is alert and all the nurses favorite guy!  :)  Tonight when they weighed him he was 6 lbs 0.4 oz.!!!   He is doing great!   The only reason he needs to stay at this point is to get his meds.   We look forward to later next week....when we can bring him home!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Today Ben accomplished a lot!   When I arrived to the hospital, the nurse said, "He's a superstar!" 

*He had 3 bottles in the night and only has IV fluids for maintaining his IV.
*He got to change to a "big boy crib" instead of an isolette and put on clothes for the first time!!  

*He fed today without gagging.  YEAH!!!

*Oh, and his bilirubin had gone down, so as of now, no lights for jaundice!  

Way to go Ben!   Keep it up!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I have been very upset this morning and last night.   Once I got to the hospital, the right people were sent to talk to me today.  My prayers are heard and answered.   I was able to talk to the Occupational Therapist, the neonatalogist, and the head nurse.   I expressed  my concerns and wishes, asked lots of questions, and was able to get a better idea of the whole history of care rather than the bits and pieces I have been getting.

Things I learned today:

*Benjamin will for sure be here for 10 days.   They need to make sure every nook and cranny of his little body is infection free!   The problem with the 10 day stay is finding enough IV sites.  We are lucky to have an IV stay good for one day.  If that doesn't work, they have to do a central line....we are going to try to avoid that.

*Ben was a really sick baby.  But for 3 days, he is doing really well.

* We were given the go ahead for Ben to eat as much as he wants, when he wants!   HOORAY!!!   This boy needs to eat.   The doctor trusts me to gauge "good" and "ok" feedings.
*The nurses will bottle feed him when he's hungry and I'm not available.

*He is going off his "gatorade" to sugar water for fluids.

My goal today for Benjamin-- to have some good feedings.
RESULTS: We had 2 good feedings.  HOORAY!!

Curtis and his mom came to see Ben.  I got to go out in the waiting room to read stories with my girls.  Then, we all went to dinner at Wendy's!   It was nice to be with them.  I miss them.  I look forward to when we can be a family all together at home.

I hate to say goodnight.  But I am leaving very hopeful.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Today's Good News:
 * I got to hold my Benjamin and change 2 of his diapers!
*I was by myself at the hospital--  Just me and my baby.  :)
*I did Lydia's hair today before she got off to school.  I cried when I had to leave my girls.   Curtis' mom is taking good care of them, so I don't have to worry.  I just want to be in two places at once.
*He is a sweet boy.  He rarely even cries.
*Grandma and Grandpa came to visit Ben today.

Bad News:
*Ben is doing some gagging/choking business that makes his oxygen desaturate majorly and it takes some time for him to recover.
*He wasn't interested in breastfeeding.
*He got his 4th IV today--so far, 2 in his hands, 2 in his head.
*We need a new carseat.   I checked the one we have, it is over 5 years old.  It is okay though.

I want to be at home and the hospital.   I am very emotional and need some space.   Talking to people is hard right now. Gotta love hormones--I cry at the drop of a hat!  :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 SALT LAKE

Benjamin had his first (and hopefully ONLY) ambulance ride.   We arrived to the hospital.  He was doing pretty well considering the move and all.   They are going to have to draw spinal fluid to make sure that infection isn't in there as well.  If the test comes back positive, he will have to stay at the hospital for 3 weeks.   I pray that it is negative!   But, only preliminary results will be known in 72 hours.  I will just keep praying as we wait.

We held him a little today, but his numbers all go down a little and that makes us worried.   So, we will leave him in his isolette sleeping instead.  He sure is a beautiful baby.

I can hardly stand it-  it is SO HARD to say goodbye and leave my baby there.  I don't like this. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 TOOELE

Well, today was a good and a bad day.   After speaking with neonatalogists in Salt Lake, the pediatrician said he needed to send Ben to the University of Utah Newborn Intensive Care Unit.   Mountain West Medical Center is not equipped to keep a baby in the nursery for 7-10 days.  

Good news-

*Ben's oxygen has been turned down from 1L to .3L to .1L!    He is almost on room air.

*Curtis and one of our home teachers were able to give Ben a blessing before the Life Flight Crew came to get him and take him for a ride in the ambulance.

*I was able to hold Ben for the first time just before Life Flight came.   We tried to nurse, but weren't given much time.

*I got discharged from the hospital so that I could go to Salt Lake to be with Ben.

*His lab tests continue to show improvements and his chest x-rays remain the same.  They are not looking like he is developing pneumonia.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Benjamin's heart rate started to go down a little, but still is high.   We hope that it will keep going down into a normal range.  He is hooked up to all sorts of monitors and IVs, but I am glad he is in good hands.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I started feeling contractions more this afternoon and evening and began wondering if it was false labor, or the "real thing."    At 6:15pm, they started at regular intervals, only letting up for 15 minutes.  Then, they continued every 3-4 minutes for another hour.   At 8pm it was time to call my mom to be with the sleeping girls.    But, after 30 minutes, I could wait no longer.  Thanks to Cindi's help-- we were able to leave for the hospital before mom arrived at our house.

Ben's heart rate was over 190 and we needed to get here so that people could help him.   At 10:05pm, Benjamin Dee Porter was born and whisked away into the hands of good nurses, doctors, and specialists.    He weighed 6 lbs. 9 oz. and measured 21 inches long.

Ben was born a very sick boy.  He had a severe infection in the womb and his little body was fighting hard.   Apparently, I had infection as well, and so we both began being treated with antibiotics.